- Should women have the votes? 应该让妇女有选举权吗?
- Should women have the votes ? 应该让妇女有选举权吗?
- Do women have the vote in your country? 贵国的妇女有选举权吗?
- Women have had the vote for over fifty years. 妇女获得选举权已有五十多年了。
- At what age should women have a vote? 妇女要到几岁才有选举权?
- Have the votes been counted yet? 选票算好了没有?
- Women now have the vote in most countries. 现在在大部分的国家妇女已有选举权。
- Today women have the vote. 今天,妇女有选举权。
- That woman has the most viperine tongue! 那个女人有最恶毒的舌头!
- Have the votes been counted up yet? 选票算好了没有?
- Today women have the right to vote. 今天的女性拥有选举权。
- Women have the same rights as you! 女人也和你一样享有同等权力!
- Women cadres should have the world in view,as should women in the rural areas. 妇女干部要看世界,农村妇女也要看世界。
- Women had to agitate for the vote for many years before they finally got it . 妇女们为获得选举权曾一连多年开展活动。
- Women had to agitate for the vote for many years before they finally got it. 妇女们为获得选举权曾一连多年开展活动。
- Countless washer women have rubbed the stone away. 无数洗衣者的搓洗将那块石头磨掉了。
- The old woman have a careworn look on her face.. 老妇脸上露出忧心忡忡的神色。
- In those days, only a privileged few had the vote. 在那个时代,只有少数特殊的人才享有选举权。
- In our country, each man and each woman has the right to vote. 在我们国家,男女都有选举权。
- Women have the right to choose to stay at home or work outside. 妇女有权利选择呆在家里还是出外工作。